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Traders of Tamerlane

Industries: Custom Manufacturing and Retail

Services Provided:

  • Website Auditing and Refinement

  • E-commerce Website Development

  • Social Media Strategy and Planning

  • Paid Social Media Marketing

  • Google Search Marketing

  • Google Smart Display Advertising

Background and Challenge:

"Traders of Tamerlane" is a company known for its bespoke yurts, crafted with an artisan touch. Additionally, they operate a subsidiary, "The Lantern Shop," which imports distinctive lanterns from the Middle East and Asia. Initially, both businesses shared a single website. However, our market research revealed that the target audiences for custom yurts and exotic lanterns differed significantly. This overlap led to marketing inefficiencies and missed revenue opportunities. The primary challenge was to distinctly position each business to appeal to their respective target markets while maximizing online visibility and sales.

Approach and Solution:

Our first step was to decouple the businesses online, creating two separate e-commerce websites tailored to the unique aesthetics and customer bases of the yurt manufacturing and lantern retail segments. This separation allowed for more focused branding and marketing strategies for each.

For "Traders of Tamerlane," we worked together to refine their website so that highlighted the craftsmanship and customization options of their yurts, appealing to customers seeking unique, high-quality living and vacationing spaces. For "The Lantern Shop," helped to create a new website emphasizing the beauty and exotic, artistic value of the lanterns, attracting customers interested in home decor and cultural artifacts.

We then devised distinct social media strategies for each business. For the yurts, we focused on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, leveraging their lifestyle communities and the visual-centric nature of Instagram to showcase the yurts' design and versatility. For the lanterns, we targeted Instagram for visual appeal and storytelling about the lanterns' ability to create a mood and transform a space.

Paid social media campaigns were tailored to each business's audience, with precise targeting and customized messaging. We also implemented Google Search Marketing to capture high-intent searches and Google Smart Display Advertising to reach potential customers across the web.


This case study demonstrates the importance of distinct and targeted online marketing strategies for businesses with diverse product lines. By separating "Traders of Tamerlane" and "The Lantern Shop" into individual e-commerce entities and developing bespoke marketing strategies for each, we were able to significantly enhance online visibility, customer engagement, and sales. This approach not only optimized the marketing efforts but also carved out unique brand identities for each business, catering to their specific target audiences.

Traders of Tamerlane

Project Gallery

How we do it ...

Advertising Campaign

Advertising Campaign

Social Media Content Audit and Content Publishing Plan

Social Media Content Audit and Content Publishing Plan

Consulting and Infrastructure

Consulting and Infrastructure

Social Media Content Publishing

Social Media Content Publishing

Creative Strategy and Campaign Planning

Creative Strategy and Campaign Planning

Social Media Conversation Management

Social Media Conversation Management

E-Commerce Consulting

E-Commerce Consulting

Website Design and Application Development

Website Design and Application Development

SEO Audit, Content Report, and Content Planning

SEO Audit, Content Report, and Content Planning

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